Sunday, December 13, 2015

Disaster Magnet

Some guy named Murphy claimed for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.... or so I've been told. In my experiences, every action draws the attention of a potential disaster, which usually makes for a great story! And thus, I arrived at beginning this blog. After numerous laughs at the expense of the little shred left of my dignity, my friends and colleagues convinced me that my life needed to be documented in some way, shape or form. Voila! I hope it as entertaining to readers as it is traumatizing to my soul. As I sat on an old school bus from about 1972, the main mode of transportation to and from our rural villages in the jungle of Central America, Matt and I got into one of our deep "life talks". We commuted for three and a half hours to go less than 40 miles on a dirt road,seeming like we were in constant motion to go nowhere. We sat drenched in sweat, squished between a few Mayan babies and a chicken. Matt, quite the anti-religious world skeptic, versed me in the school of thought and philosophy. We dug into the uncomfortable thoughts that he so often brought to the forefront of my mind, ultimately tripping me out and forcing me to have nightmares about my existence. Contrary to his opinions that we are merely random particles floating around this world, I wanted to believe I was important.... For God's sake, I matter! But in the end, life is not much different from that sweaty, dusty bus ride. We are merely waiting in motion, as life trucks us through the mud. Well, I might as well enjoy the ride!